
Learning happens in many different ways and through a variety of experiences. Our teachers strive to provide students with multiple opportunities to explore new information and develop mastery in core subjects.


Physical education is an important supplement to book-based learning. We value health and encourage students to excel in athletic activities both as individuals and in a group setting. Teamwork, perseverance, and good sportsmanship are skills that will serve students for a lifetime.



Whether it is in band or choir, learning rhythm with chimes or practicing a guitar, music brings color to life and makes the world a happier place.


LCA teachers take students outside the classroom on a regular basis. Students explore near and far to learn more about Gods’ creations. From localities such as a nearby Pumpkin Patch, or days spent at Camp MiVoden on beautiful Hayden Lake, to distant learning opportunities in Washington, D.C., LCA students are making the world their workshop.